Salon XI: Summer (Jul-Sep 2028)

Peridot Green

The Well in the Woods

The Well in the Woods

Our eleventh salon is about finding hidden treasures in dark, mysterious places. It’s about exploration with careful planning, trained adaptiveness, and observant senses.

The Well in the Woods is a site in a dark forest — an oasis of familiarity in the realm of the unknown. It is the first respite a hero finds on her fearsome road. Freshwater is something nourishing to help her continue on. A sense of dehydration is a reminder of mortality, and water can keep that at bay. Despite the normalcy of water and thirst, this well is a mystic site, providing a taste of the magic that will define her journey.

Peridot Evil Eye, Bryan McGovern Wilson, 2018

Wilson created this sculptural object to hang above our door for protection.

Imprint, Midge Wattles & Ben K. Voss, 2018

Wattles and Voss created this on a Big Cypress retreat in Colorado.