Who dusts the duster?
Finch and Bluebird consider the increasing stakes of anthropomorphization in the light of new technology.
My AI Could Create That
Finch and Bluebird talk about AI passing the art version of the Turing Test
Existential Threat
Bluebird and Finch explore the real and imagined harm of Large Language Models
Call to Pause
Finch and Bluebird synthesize the arguments around the global efforts to pause AI.
Fuzzy Logic
Finch and Bluebird examine how Large Language Models interpolate and then extrapolate data
Burstiness & Perplexity
Bluebird and Finch write about the impact of LLMs on academic essays.
Rabbit of Chang’e
Albatross’ sci-fi story inspired by the legend of the Jade Rabbit who lives on the Moon.